Our Sunday School is designed to reach others, care for its members, and study the Scriptures. As our church grows larger,it at the same time grows smaller through our Sunday School. We believe that Sunday School is a great tool for growth in all areas
The Children’s Department:
We believe children are a gift from GOD. We seek to teach them biblical truths that will saturate their young minds for the glory of God. The material we use is called The Gospel Project. It is a collection of bible stories that point them to the good news of Jesus Christ as the source of heart transformation. Bible lessons, music, crafts and playtime are part of a typical Sunday morning in our children’s department.
Youth Department:
Our aim is to develop youth who are ready to impact their world for Jesus Christ. We use the Explore The Bible Sunday school material which teaches through the entire bible in seven years. Each lesson engages students with biblical truths emphasizing their need of a personal relationship and a daily walk with Christ through prayer and bible study. Fellowship is a big part of our focus using activities such as a pizza party, going bowling, attending a Christian concert, or some other fun event.
Adult Education:
The purpose of the adult Sunday school is to teach, equip, and guide our adult members to be able to minister to people in our community and beyond. We use The Explore The Bible series for interactive discussions of GOD’s word. Each person is encouraged to apply the lessons learned to enrich their everyday lives. They are challenged to live every day on a mission for GOD’s glory.
Our Vision
Our vision here at Kingston is that we exist to bring glory to God by pointing others to Jesus Christ in our teaching, worship and lifestyle. It is our goal to lead in such a way that others want to cultivate a deeper and purer love of Christ.